Brief Detail

Design, Drawing, Fabrication, Transportation, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Gates, Hoists, Stop Logs, Cranes and other allied works On turkey basis of Uderasthan Barrage Project at Falgu River Dist. Jehanabad, Bihar.

-Designed, Manufactured and Installed Automation System including SCADA system operating from two control rooms, one at barrage site and another at Patna control room in Bihar. The system is working at present.

– Operation and Maintenance of above system for 3 Years.


1) Service Gate of  10m x 4.5m – 26 Nos.

2) Under Sluice Gate  of 10m  x 5.5m – 4 Nos.

3) HR gate 6m x 1.7m – 8 Nos.

4) Stop log Tiers of  10m x 1.1m – 2 Set

5) Gantry Crane of 15Ton capacity. – 1 No.

6) Complete SCADA system.


Approximate Value : 2252.48  Lakh